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New Fincantieri-Naval Group JVC Wins First Contract

New Fincantieri-Naval Group JVC Wins First Contract

Naviris, a 50/50 owned joint venture by Fincantieri and Naval Group, has signed its first contract regarding R&T with OCCAR, the European Joint Armaments Cooperation organisation. Naviris, as prime contractor, will coordinate technical activities managed by Fincantieri and Naval Group and will own t…
Sixth French Fremm Frigate, FS Normandie, Joins Fleet

Sixth French Fremm Frigate, FS Normandie, Joins Fleet

‘Normandie,’ the sixth European multi-mission frigate (FREMM) of the eight ordered by the French Navy, was admitted to active service by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Christophe Prazuck, on June 3, 2020.

Built in Lorient, the FS Normandie started her sea trials in February 2019. She was h…

Russian Frigate ‘Kasatonov’ Tests Anti-Torpedo Defense

Russian Frigate ‘Kasatonov’ Tests Anti-Torpedo Defense

The newest frigate of the project 22350 “Admiral of the fleet Kasatonov” within the framework of the final stage of state tests performed anti-torpedo firing.

In the sea ranges of the Baltic fleet, the ship’s crew, together with representatives of the industry, worked out the protection of the fr…

China Claims Heavily Armed ‘Beast Mode’ for J-20 Fighter

China Claims Heavily Armed ‘Beast Mode’ for J-20 Fighter

China’s J-20 fighter jet has been spotted equipped with pylon adapters under its wings, indicating the stealth aircraft may also be able to enter a “beast mode” like the US’ F-35 fighter jet if needed by giving up some stealth capability in exchange for larger weapons loads, reports said.

A J-20 …

Operazione Irini: benvenuta alla nave greca Spetsai

Operazione Irini: benvenuta alla nave greca Spetsai

La nave della Marina greca Spetsai si è oggi unita all’Operazione EUNAVFOR MED Irini. Spetsai è una fregata classe MEKO200HN e imbarca un team per l’abbordaggio di navi mercantili e un elicottero tipo Sikorsky S-70B Aegean Hawk. La nave pattuglierà l’area di operazione nel Mediterraneo centrale, assieme ai tre aerei, già messi a disposizione da Germania, Lussemburgo e Polonia.

Tienanmen (“porta della Pace Celeste”): chi tace è complice

Tienanmen (“porta della Pace Celeste”): chi tace è complice

31 anni fa avvenne un massacro. Il capo del partito comunista cinese, dopo settimane in cui folle di giovani, operai ed intellettuali chiedevano riforme e libertà, ordinò all’Esercito Popolare di Liberazione di aprire il fuoco.

Nella Cina in cui, prima di parlare, anche Gesù deve imparare a memoria il libretto rosso di Mao, le forze armate dipendono dal Partito, non dallo Stato.

Migliaia di morti in poche ore, decine di migliaia nei decenni a seguire.

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