All’alba del 10 gennaio del 49 avanti Cristo, Giulio Cesare passava il fiume Rubicone, confine fra la Gallia Cisalpina (le terre della Padania) e l’Italia peninsulare, alla testa di una…
Japan will now scramble its fighters from Naha once it detects Chinese military aircraft had taken off from Shuimen airbase, Fujian. The new approach was taken after a policy review last year, news reports in Japan says. Previously, fighters were only scrambled after the Chinese aircraft approach Japanese airspace. In the past, those Chinese aircraft […]
A public hearing was organized on Jul. 18 for local residents of Taitung County, Taiwan to discuss the possible deployment of AH-64E attack helicopters at Fengnian. 玄史生 / CC BY-SA The locals opposed the plan, saying that the rotorcraft will bring additional noise to the area and they are concern over the safety. The Army’s […]
L’ammiraglio Nikolai Yevmenov, capo di stato maggiore della Marina Russa ha reso noto al quotidiano militare Krasnaya Zvezda (Stella Rossa) che quest’anno la flotta di Mosca riceverà 40 nuove unità…
I militari italiani della Missione bilaterale di Assistenza e Supporto in Liba (MIASIT) a Tripoli hanno consegnato ai rappresentanti del Genio militare dell’Esercito libico un lotto di metal detectors di produzione…