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The $1.25 B-2 bomber’s AMAD switch cover now costs around $200

The U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s B-2 Program Office has come up with a new permanent protective cover for the jet’s airframe mounted accessory drive (AMAD) panel. Photo: USAF The panel is on the left side of the cockpit, next to the pilot’s knees. When activated, the electrical generator and hydraulic systems will […]

RoCAF 100th anniversary airshow canceled due to COVID-19

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has canceled the Hualien air base open day on Aug. 15 due to concerns over COVID-19. 玄史生 / CC0 The show was meant to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the air force and 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. For more information, hit the Source below Source
Un cippo a ricordo dei peacekeeper italiani in Libano

Un cippo a ricordo dei peacekeeper italiani in Libano

L’Italia è impegnata in Libano, nel mantenimento della pace, sin dal 1979 nella missione UNIFIL. Negli anni ottanta ci fu un ulteriore sforzo nazionale a supporto della stabilizzazione dell’area con Italcon. Nel 2006 con la risoluzione 1701 la missione UN veniva ampliata con l’Italia tra i primi contributori in termini di personale e mezzi.

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