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Indra Wins S. Korean Air Base Air Traffic Surveillance Contract

Indra Wins S. Korean Air Base Air Traffic Surveillance Contract

MADRID — The Ministry of Defence of South Korea has awarded Indra the supply and implementation of air traffic surveillance and management systems to reinforce safety and control of air operations at the main Air Force bases.

This project was awarded to Indra in an international tender in compe…

GKN Aerospace Opens Global Technology Centre in Bristol

GKN Aerospace Opens Global Technology Centre in Bristol

GKN Aerospace has taken ownership of its new Global Technology Centre (GTC) in Bristol after the keys were officially handed over by developers St Francis Group. The new GTC – funded by a £17m commitment from GKN Aerospace and £15m commitment from the UK Government, through the Aerospace Technology …
Troppe notizie false, contraddittorie e fuorvianti sul coronavirus: ne parliamo con un medico

Troppe notizie false, contraddittorie e fuorvianti sul coronavirus: ne parliamo con un medico

Le notizie sul coronavirus sono scivolate al secondo o terzo posto: se la Ferrari vince una gara o la Juventus conquista il suo nono scudetto consecutivo, probabilmente anche ben oltre la metà pagina. Soprattutto, arriva un guazzabuglio di opinioni che si contraddicono e non si conciliano, quasi fossero acqua e olio. Ne abbiamo parlato con una vecchia conoscenza di Difesa Online, il dott. Pasquale Mario Bacco.

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