Il primo marzo 2018, il presidente della Federazione Russa Vladimir Putin, durante il suo discorso sullo stato della Nazione, presentò per la prima volta al mondo i nuovi missili ipersonici “Khinzal” e “Avangard”. Riferendosi ai due innovativi sistemi d’arma, Putin sostenne l’inutilità di qualsiasi sistema di difesa presente e futuro contro di essi e l’impossibilità di intercettare delle armi del genere; affermando che i due sistemi sarebbero entrati in servizio entro il 2019. Lo stesso mese, il vice capo del Joint Chiefs Staff, il generale della U.S. Air Force John E.
News reports from Japan says the governments of Japan and United States have started talks on how to proceed with the former’s F-X fighter program. Graphic: Japan Ministry of Defense According to the reports, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Lockheed Martin are involved as well. The rest of the article is gated but it is said […]
The contract to replace the runway at Offutt Air Force Base has been awarded and preparations are underway to relocate the aircraft assigned to 55th Wing to Lincoln Airport, roughly 50 miles away. The U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center announced that it has awarded a $143.9 million contract to Gilbane Federal of Concord, California […]
U.S. Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy toured Dynetics’ Common-Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) facility in Huntsville on Jul. 1.