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Japan has installed Auto-GCAS on its F-35A fleet

Japan has installed the automatic ground collision avoidance system (Auto GCAS) on its F-35A following a fatal crash last year. Photos: JASDF All 17 aircraft at Misawa Air Base had the system installed since the end of last year. Four more F-35As are expected to arrive at the base later, these will come equipped with […]
Undisclosed air force orders Litening 5 and RecceLite

Undisclosed air force orders Litening 5 and RecceLite

Rafael says it has secured a contract to sell its Litening 5 and RecceLite pods to an undisclosed air force. Guy Oren, VP, Head of Rafael’s Electro-optical systems directorate: “We are proud of this contract and we look forward to cooperating with our customer to provide them with a significant force-multiplier for cutting-edge mission performance. […]
<div>La Germania viola l’embargo e vende armi in Libia</div>

La Germania viola l’embargo e vende armi in Libia

Il generale Khalifa Haftar annuncia, con toni roboanti, l’inizio della più grande campagna aerea della storia libica dopo l’arrivo in Cirenaica di 8 aerei russi (6 caccia Mig-29 e 2 cacciabombardieri Sukhoi-24 stando alle fonti).

Il comandante dell’aviazione haftariana Saqr al-Jaroushi ha rincarato la dose dichiarando: State per vedere nelle prossime ore la più vasta campagna aerea nella storia della Libia, per colpire interessi turchi e forze del governo di Tripoli in tutte le città libiche.

AvioBlog - Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche civili e militari