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Patriot unit at Japan’s Ministry of Defense gets PAC-3 MSE intercetors

The MIM-104 Patriot air defense missile unit deployed on the grounds of Japan’s Ministry of Defense in Tokyo’s Ichigaya district has been upgraded with the PAC-3 MSE interceptor missile. Asahi Shimbun reports that the transfer took place on Jul. 10. The missile has been deployed to four bases between March and June this year. For […]

Art Nalls selling away his Sea Harriers

The only flyable Sea Harrier, XZ439, is up for sale along with Harrier T.8 trainer, ZD993. They belong to Art Nalls, a retired USMC test pilot. Benoit de Mulder / CC BY-SA According to the new article, another Harrier is for sale as well. For more information, hit the Source below Source
USA: 21 feriti per esplosione ed incendio su nave militare ormeggiata al porto di San Diego

USA: 21 feriti per esplosione ed incendio su nave militare ormeggiata al porto di San Diego

La U.S. Navy ha comunicato una “terribile tragedia a bordo della USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) quando un incendio è scoppiato mentre era ormeggiata nel porto di San Diego.”

Un totale di 21 persone (17 marinai e quattro civili) avrebbero riportato lesioni non letali (ustioni ed intossicazioni) e sono state trasportate in ospedale. La risposta dei soccorsi (locali, della base e di bordo) sarebbe stata “rapida e immediata”. Dalle prime notizie l’incendio sarebbe divampato in seguito ad un’esplosione.

Watch live on the fire aboard USS Bonhomme Richard

Watch live on the fire aboard USS Bonhomme Richard

A third-alarm fire has taken place aboard U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard at Naval Station San Diego. The fire is said to have started at around 0851hrs local time. So far, eighteen people aboard the warship required medical treatment. The fire was so massive that the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department (SDFD) was […]

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