Se dalla caduta del regime di Muammar Gheddafi nel 2011 e dagli sviluppi successivi della crisi libica l’influenza dell’Italia e dell’Europa nel paese nordafricano non era mai stata messa in…
Dopo il ritiro delle forze dell’Esercito nazionale libico (LNA) del generale Khalifa Haftar dalla Tripolitania, frutto dei successi militari conseguito dalle forze turche che affiancano le milizie del Governo di…
Il COVID-19 ha avuto impatti disastrosi mandando in crisi molti ambiti del nostro ecosistema. Tra gli effetti della pandemia, alcuni molto rilevanti hanno interessato alcuni sistemi di intelligenza artificiale basati…
The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) has ordered two MQ-9 from General Atomics for $26 million, the Pentagon announced on Jun. 22. The contract includes one dual control mobile ground control station; one modular data center; and one mobile ground control station. The service has been training its own personnel to operate the unmanned aircraft with […]
China has launched the final Beidou satellite for its global navigation satellite constellation on Jun. 23. It was lifted into space aboard a Long March 3B rocket from Xichang Satellite Launch Center. For more information, hit the Source below Source
The U.S. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DAPP) has handed over 147 sets of remains of South Korean soldiers killed during the Korean War to South Korea. The remains were either recovered during 1990-1994 joint excavations by the U.S. and North Korea on the North Korean territory or repatriated to the U.S. from the North following […]