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Natalia Sazonova: Il jazzista del gulag. La straordinaria vita di Eddie Rosner tra Hitler e Stalin

Natalia Sazonova: Il jazzista del gulag. La straordinaria vita di Eddie Rosner tra Hitler e Stalin

Natalia Sazonova
Ed. L’ancora del Mediterraneo, Napoli 2008

L’autrice, storica e sceneggiatrice, in questo libro con la prefazione della professoressa Elena Dundovich, narra la vita di Eddie Rosner, ebreo tedesco, nato a Berlino il 26 maggio 1910, il cui vero nome, però, era Adolf e che iniziò “la sua brillante carriera di trombettista nel 1928 quando entrò a far parte dei Weintraubs Syncopators, leggendaria orchestra berlinese dell’epoca,” e dove assunse lo pseudonimo di Jack, nome che lo accompagnò per 10 anni, fino al 1938.

Ka-52M to enter state trials and test new long-range cruise missile

The modernized Ka-52M will enter state trials from Dec. 1 and the testing is expected to wrap up by last week of September 2022. Fedor Leukhin / CC BY-SA The attack helicopter is expected to test out a new “item 305” long-range cruise missile that has a reported range of 100km. The missile is reported […]
PLAAF fighter pilot with 5290 flight hours retires

PLAAF fighter pilot with 5290 flight hours retires

A PLAAF fighter pilot who had amassed 5290 flight hours during his career has retired recently. Wang Wenchang had joined the military in 1990 and spent most of time flying the J-7, the Chinese copy of the MiG-21. For more information, hit the Source below Source

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