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Royal Thai Army getting G500 for VIP transport

Royal Thai Army getting G500 for VIP transport

The Royal Thai Army is going to spend $42 million next year to purchase a G500 executive jet to replace its aging Beechcraft 1900. The Bangkok Post says the decision was made after Beechcraft informed Thailand that there will be no more spare parts in future as production had ended in 2002. The military was […]

MDA confirms talk with Japan on HBTSS

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has confirmed to Yomiuri Shimbun by email that there are talks with Japan on how Tokyo can join the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) program. Graphic: Northrop Grumman The HBTSS is a new space-based sensor that can detect and track hypersonic weapons. Data collected will be feed […]

Taiwan preparing to deploy DMS Stinger, Kestrel rocket to South China Sea

As China could be holding military exercises near Pratas island in the South China Sea, Taiwan has decided to move one reinforced company from the ROCMC 99th Marine Brigade to the island as part of a “relocation exercise.” 玄史生 / CC BY-SA The company will have increase firepower using Dual Mount Stinger and Kestrel anti-armor rocket launcher […]
Un nuovo trattato di cooperazione Cina-Iran

Un nuovo trattato di cooperazione Cina-Iran

Il recente incidente (sabotaggio?) dello scorso 2 luglio al “sito industriale” iraniano di Natanz, circa 250 chilometri a sud di Teheran, nel quale due persone sono morte e altre tre rimaste ferite, sembrerebbe più il risultato di una (ennesima) azione di sabotaggio, che la conseguenza di “lavoratori negligenti intenti a rifornire bombole di ossigeno”, come dichiarato con insolita prontezza dall’agenzia di stato IRNA.

Non sapremo mai la verità, o forse salterà fuori più avanti, poco a poco.

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