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HMS Protector Begins Major Revamp

HMS Protector Begins Major Revamp

The Navy’s only icebreaker HMS Protector is undergoing a major overhaul on Teesside – including preparing the ship to carry unmanned survey devices.

The distinctive Plymouth-based scientific vessel spends the austral summer – winter back in the UK – charting the waters around the frozen continent…

Triumph Wins Engine MRO Contract for International Chinook Fleet

Triumph Wins Engine MRO Contract for International Chinook Fleet

BERWYN, Pa. — Triumph Group, Inc. announced that Triumph Systems & Support was recently awarded a six-year contract extension for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services on an international CH-47 Chinook fleet. Triumph’s Systems, Electronics and Controls operating company will provide prod…
Mediterraneo orientale: perché i russi “minacciano” gli americani?

Mediterraneo orientale: perché i russi “minacciano” gli americani?

Per la terza volta in due mesi, piloti russi hanno intercettato aerei statunitensi nelle acque internazionali del Mediterraneo orientale. L’ultimo episodio in tal senso è datato 26 maggio quando un aereo da pattugliamento marittimo P-8A Poseidon della U.S. Navy è stato affiancato per 65 minuti da due caccia multiruolo Sukhoi Su-35 russi della VKS (Forze Aerospaziali Russe).

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