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NATO: il cacciamine Gaeta entra a far parte della SNMCMG2

NATO: il cacciamine Gaeta entra a far parte della SNMCMG2

Il cacciamine Gaeta della Marina Militare, è entrato a far parte della Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2 (SNMCMG2), il gruppo navale che fornisce all’alleanza una capacità operativa indispensabile per assicurare, in tempo di crisi, il libero accesso ai porti e la sicurezza della navigazione nel Mediterraneo.

U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Group training in Taiwan

U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Group training in Taiwan

Taiwan has admitted that U.S. troops has been training on the island after a video made by the U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) last year showed the soldiers boarding a Black Hawk helicopter with Republic of China markings. The code name of the exercise is Balance Tamper and it involved Taiwan special forces […]

Russia test teaming of Su-57 with group of Su-35s

TASS reports that Russia has carried out an experiment to team a Su-57 with a group of Su-35 fighters. The report quoted two anonymous sources but the date and place of the exercise was not disclose. However, it was noted that during the test, the “flock” of airplanes were able to exchange data with each […]

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